Using our Leather Conditioner
The conditioner nourishes and restores leather so it remains soft and supple.
Just like our skin, leather is a natural material and is porous. It can dry out through wear, time, and use. When your Oiled Leather uppers start to look and feel dry it's normally an indicator that they could do with some nourishment. Below are the instructions for ensuring you can continue to wear and enjoy your Birkenstocks by using our Leather Conditioner.

Step 1: Open the straps or remove the laces.

Step 2: Brush the uppers of loose dirt and particles.
Step 3: Using one of the Application Brushes, work it into the Leather Conditioner to load the brush.
Step 4: Once the brush is loaded with the Leather Condition, apply it to the uppers in a dabbing motion for Oiled Leather and small strokes for Smooth Leather.
Step 5: Work the Leather Conditioner all around the upper material applying more to the Application Brush as needed.
Step 6: Once the conditioner has been worked in and evenly applied, leave your shoes in a dry shaded space to absorb the conditioner overnight or
until dry to the touch.
Step 7: Once enough time has passed that the leather is dry to the touch, your shoes are ready to wear again. Please note that although our Leather Conditioner is colourless, it will cause the leather to darken as it absorbs moisture, below are some comparisons to highlight this.
Step 8: This step is optional but If you want to create a slightly more polished finish, you can brush the uppers with the Polishing Brush once dried.
Tabacco Oiled Leather samples
Habana Oiled Leather samples
Above are samples of our Oiled Leather after one and two applications of Leather Conditioner. The first photo is before conditioning, while the middle is a single application followed by a second application.
The difference in shade can depend on how dry the leather initially is, if you're unsure of the colour we recommend applying a small amount of the Leather Conditioner in an inconspicuous place and monitoring the colour once dried.